OpenAnesthesia is dedicated to promoting evidenced-based medicine in anesthesiology, critical care, and pain management.

Alzheimer’s Disease and anesthesia, postoperative cognitive dysfunction, postoperative delirium

Direct download: 201803Berger.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23am PDT

Cardiac Arrest in the Operating Room: Resuscitation and Management for the Anesthesiologist Part 1 & Part 2

Direct download: 201803Moitra.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:14am PDT

Transfusion reaction: Lab findings; Transfusion reaction: Management

Direct download: 201808.m4v
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PDT

Trisomy 21 with Aditee Ambardekar

Direct download: 201803.m4v
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PDT

Rescue TEE

Direct download: Intraoperative_TEE_of_the_Month_-_March_2018.m4v
Category:general -- posted at: 8:21am PDT

Obstructive sleep apnea in pregnancy with Jennifer Dominguez

Direct download: OB62.m4v
Category:general -- posted at: 10:04am PDT

Perioperative Renal Failure: Predictor; Laboratory Assessment of Renal Function

Direct download: 201807.m4v
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PDT

Nalbuphine: Plateau effect mechanisms; Neuraxial Opioids: Tolerance; Methadone: QT prolongation & FDA warning; Long QT Syndrome: Medications

Direct download: Keys_to_the_Cart__February_5_2018.m4v
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PDT